
අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යාංශය

கல்வி அமைச்சு

Ministry of Education

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Statement of the Deputy Director of Education - (Data Management)

As the subject officer involved in nominating data officers at provincial, zonal, divisional, and school levels in educational organizations, I strongly believe that training and professional development opportunities for data officers are crucial for their success in supporting effective teaching and learning outcomes in the Sri Lankan general education sector.

Training programs for data officers should be tailored to the specific needs of the educational organization and should include ongoing professional development opportunities. So, the Ministry of Education pays attention to conducting national-level training for data officers in every organization through a digital platform. This training program emphasizes the data officers' ethics, basic ICT skills, data privacy and security, and best practices for protecting organizational data.

As the officer in charge of the subject, I strongly encourage all data officers to gain the training and earn the e-certificate for the courses provided on this platform and provide your maximum contribution to the education sector through providing accurate and timely educational data.